International law

as instrument for the fulfillment of the purposes of individuals in all their dimensions.


We offer legal services in Mexico and abroad, seeking to provide effective and efficient solutions to our clients in various areas of international law.


Human rights

International trade

Foreign investment and suppression of international double taxation

Asylum, refuge and extradition

Amparo and other constitutional protection procedures

Environmental protection and renewable energy

Trials before permanent jurisdictional instances of universal vocation

Intellectual property

International special procedures

Legal assistance for diplomatic representations

Mexican national language for diplomats

Letter from the Managing Partner

Given the lack of efficiency of legal procedures in different matters offered by domestic law, the modern solution, both in developed and developing countries, is to resort to international dispute settlement systems, as well as to the mechanisms of institutional protection derived from specific treaties in certain matters.


Master’s Degree and Doctorate in General International Law

The scientific and pedagogical purpose of the graduate degrees, is to cognitively
integrate the dogmatic and the specialized areas of general international law. In
this sense the methodological subjects of international law are studied during
the phases of master and doctorate.